How to set up a CSV file for vessels

This manual section explains how to setup a CSV file for uploading vessels to the Risk Intelligence System Database.

To make a CSV file, open Microsoft Excel, and create a new Excel file.

In the top left corner, in cell A1, copy and paste the line below as shown in the picture: vessel_name,mmsi,imo,vessel_type

This will force the CSV file to recognize the name of a given vessel, the MMSI, IMO, and the vessel type. This will also make the file readable for the Risk Intelligence System, which can then pull the relevant data for the vessels.

Then, in the cells below (A2, A3, A4 etc), type in the information for the vessels you want to add – the name of the vessel, the MMSI number, the IMO number, and the vessel type:

For the vessel type, you can add whatever type is relevant to the vessel – a full list of the registered types of vessels can be found in the 'Vessels' section where you also upload the CSV file. 

You can also make the file without 'Vessel Type' – on the front end of the system, the vessel will then be listed as 'Unknown' type. However, when making the CSV file, the line must still end with a comma, otherwise the system will not be able to read the file:

When you have listed all vessels, save the Excel file using the 'Save As' menu, and in the file-type selector, pick the 'CSV (Comma delimited)'.

The file will now be ready to upload to the Risk Intelligence System via the 'Vessels' section