Learn how to distinguish the Incident icons and their alerts (color of the icon inverted, see the right-hand column).

Hijacking at sea
As soon as the master and crew are not in control of the ship and its crew for even just a small period of time, longer than just a mere holdup, it is a hijacking. Meaning that none of the ship's crew are able to control the vessel. This can include cases were the crew, for a period of time, has limited control over the vessel from a citadel/saferoom.
Crew/victim(s) has to be taken off the vessel in order to demand ransom. This excludes the robbery cases where a watchman etc. are tied up during a robbery.
Robbery (failed attack, robbery)
The removal or attempted removal of property without the owner or guardians consent with the use of, or threat of use of force or by putting the victim in a state of fear of the potential use of force.
The removal, or attempted removal of property without the consent of the owner or guardian, in most cases also without the victim, or subject of the act realizing the act, before the thieve(s) have gone. No weapons or threats are used in these incidents.
Failed attack
Any attempt of any of the above mentioned types of attack that does not succeed (hijacking/kidnap/robbery/theft).
Suspicious activity
Activity that lies outside the pattern of life for a given area and is assessed by Risk Intelligence to have been either suspicious, having potentially a security related impact or perceived as such.
Other maritime risk
This is a catch-all category for some of the incidents that are not covered by other categories but have an impact or importance regarding maritime security.
Anti-piracy/Naval operations
Operations by naval forces, including coast guard/maritime police that have an effect that merits mentioning on MaRisk (blockade of a certain area, acts of war). Alternatively, operations directed against pirates or other types of maritime crime within the MaRisk scope of interest.
Counter-insurgency/Military operations
Counter-insurgency will be applied to all land-based, airborne and indeed riverine operations against insurgents or other types of non-financially motivated opponents. Military operations can be all types of operations by all arms carried out from, against or near targets relevant for the maritime domain as per MaRisk. Major combat/war that have a large impact on political stability regionally/globally can also be included.
Insurgency and hybrid operations
An operation carried out from, against or near the maritime domain by non state actors, such as insurgent groups defined as being in forcible/armed opposition to a government or its representatives. Hybrid can be the deployment of multiple, complementary military and non-military means and tactics.
Terrorist attack
- Attack in ports and/or terminals
- Attack in port cities
- Attack in coastal areas
- Attack against oil & gas installations and terminals
- Attack against offshore oil & gas installations and terminals
- Attack in airports/logistical hubs used for crew changes
- Any major attacks that have large impact on political stability
Includes actions for political and/or social gains such as demonstrations or blockades but also occupation of oil rigs, power plants etc. Included in this category is also labour unrest such as major strikes/blockades if they have a significant relevant impact on the maritime domain.